Saturday, March 28, 2015

Feeling a Bit Better

Although money doesn't buy happiness, it CAN occasionally relieve depression a bit.
Today I was still feeling a bit down.  I slept until 10:something, when I was awakened by my grocery delivery guy.  After I got my stuff in the door, I at first laid down to go back to sleep.  When I noticed that it was in fact after 11:30, I got up and went to my favorite coffee shop for lunch.
From there, I forced myself into the barber shop just down the street from the coffee shop.  It was the first time in my adult life that I've gone to a barber shop to get my hairs cut.  But a) it was convenient and I didn't need an appointment, and b) it was $25 compared to the $55 the nearest stylist (who seems to be open for a grand total of 7 hours a week) charges.  Since I'm living on a lower income here than in the states, I have to make my money go farther.  And the guy did a good job.
From there, I came back to my apartment, and went back to bed, and napped for a couple of hours.
When I woke up, I decided I needed to get out and do something.  But where to go?  Walk down to the CityLink bus, and head downtown?  Ride the scooter to Ponsonby Rd, and then to the hardware store for some drain cleaner?  (did I mention what an exciting life I lead?)  I finally decided to head to the Target Furniture Hypermart.  I don't think they are affiliated with the Target stores in the States, but their logo and branding are sure similar.  I have been wanting to get a chair and a night stand for my little studio apartment.  And I found each.  And they deliver.  So sometime Wednesday, my little studio is going to start feeling a bit less like a motel room and more like my home.
From there, I decided to do a bit more retail therapy, and headed to the Westfield Mall in St. Lukes.  I bought a couple of t-shirts, and just sauntered around for a bit.
I am frequently reminded that when I get out of my little space, I feel better.  Why don't I remember that all the time?  I wish there was a place that I occasionally could just go to with my laptop and hang out for a few hours, and not feel odd doing it.  I could probably do that at my coffee shop.  i just haven't yet.
Last night, I was actually feeling so blue, that I was thinking maybe I should just get ready to head back.  But today, at Westfield, I found myself looking at all sorts of stuff that I would want to equip my next home, when I am in more than a studio.  So for now, I still want to be here.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! This is part of the routine and day to day life that you are building in your new home. Do NOT give up!!! :). xoxo
